27 May 2009

Day Dream

I had a day dream of living on a farm in Mexico with my Mom, brother, sister, Dad and myself.
We would build the house and live well within our means. I would not live there forever, just for some time to get my parents situated into their home. I also want a horse, but I don't think I would ride it. I wonder if we would have to be careful of the banditos, as they can ruin moment of your life by just being there unwelcomed.
I have not asked them their thoughts on this, but it was a pleasant to elaborate on within my mind.

Otherwise, it seems they will be in that house unhappy for the rest of their time it seems.

Then again, isn't this civilization so inviting?

20 May 2009

The pop of a carbonated can made me tremble.
I left my body
my mind was an empty chamber that the sound echoed through

14 May 2009

ice cream soup of high fructose corn syrup

as well as performing surgery on robots at a DD

and together we would help lung function with asthma, together
and better.
advocate health centers of uncaring

i shake my head as it's not a good idea. and get kicked in the foot.
but it's okay i laughed.
out loud

but even inner laugh because i'm holding a baby is explosive.
so much happiness in a tiny.

yizen, wisen, horizon

christopher had an argument with the guy behind the counter in this ddB3lR. he asked for butterfinger topping on his brownie sundae and guy said there was none, and christopher pointed out that the butterfinger was used as a topping on the milkshake that was being promoted all over the store

Ice Cream

Power Needs:


Dry Ice (furnished)
Popsicles, ice cream bars, novelties and more.
Click here to see our ice cream selection.

~*~*~ Dude, the sun is like that gravitational center of our solar system, man. I haven't respected the sun as a large, hot, spherical mess of gas until i really tried to envision it floating and burning in blackness or what ever the fuck space is. My concerns with the sun lay primarily on how it effects my outfit or if its too cold to eat icecream or too hot to take your icecream outside. I got kinda uncomfortable with that realization - that i really only think of the sun in terms of its instrumental value to me. The sun ain't just about whether it melts your icecream, g. It's about being fuckin huge and burning its helium core and continuing to burn even when there ain't no people to care iffn it melts my icecream or not.

09 May 2009

what dreams MAY come

my fingers are too tired from pressing buttons to press any more buttons. by the latter i mean keys. pushing keys. opening doors. making sleep. wake up beeps. my bedroom did a vanishing act. i left for 18 hours and it morphised from a dance party full of breakdancing teenagers getting fucked up to gallery of sculptures and a toddler watching a scrawled vhs of a bong. kinky black pikachu. we have some chickens now. ones called lunchbox. tuesday birdnames is playing a getdown, it kicks off their us tour. the last chicago band that played here on their tour was caw caw, with the smith westerns and marbin on walpurisnacht. not cacaw, theyre playing here in june.
until then ill be sliding around, creeping up on crumbums, freestyling on the pirate radio about bootie bread. free pizza. for sure for maybe for nope. sams broken lcd is plugged into a glitchy desktop monitor and it keeps changing from rgb to r-b and its hurting my eye now so i have to go to the horrors show now and drop off the kills' buttons. magic wands.
it looks like theres a pixel kitty cat crawling on the screen like digital roadkill.