12 July 2009

06 July 2009

23 June 2009



My Wisdom Cone unites all material energy; conscious, semiconscious, and superconscious. Inorganic molecules cycling into organic ones. Dark energy pulling the universe apart on sticky strands of dark matter. The law states that empty space will spawn more empty space exponentially faster. And difference precedes identity. The most distant galaxies blink away from our ability to see them. You look across the room and you don't notice that time and space are shrinking and growing. You're older now. You're older than you ever have been, but never oldest. Some days you live more than others, redshift/blueshift. The instant you think your here you move into the next phase. The moment you think your dead, the coil of tachyon energy shrouding your body is inexplicably teleported in a funnel shape to the world of your chosing. You'll wake up laughing.
I could teach you but I have to charge.

27 May 2009

Day Dream

I had a day dream of living on a farm in Mexico with my Mom, brother, sister, Dad and myself.
We would build the house and live well within our means. I would not live there forever, just for some time to get my parents situated into their home. I also want a horse, but I don't think I would ride it. I wonder if we would have to be careful of the banditos, as they can ruin moment of your life by just being there unwelcomed.
I have not asked them their thoughts on this, but it was a pleasant to elaborate on within my mind.

Otherwise, it seems they will be in that house unhappy for the rest of their time it seems.

Then again, isn't this civilization so inviting?

20 May 2009

The pop of a carbonated can made me tremble.
I left my body
my mind was an empty chamber that the sound echoed through

14 May 2009

ice cream soup of high fructose corn syrup

as well as performing surgery on robots at a DD

and together we would help lung function with asthma, together
and better.
advocate health centers of uncaring

i shake my head as it's not a good idea. and get kicked in the foot.
but it's okay i laughed.
out loud

but even inner laugh because i'm holding a baby is explosive.
so much happiness in a tiny.

yizen, wisen, horizon

christopher had an argument with the guy behind the counter in this ddB3lR. he asked for butterfinger topping on his brownie sundae and guy said there was none, and christopher pointed out that the butterfinger was used as a topping on the milkshake that was being promoted all over the store

Ice Cream

Power Needs:


Dry Ice (furnished)
Popsicles, ice cream bars, novelties and more.
Click here to see our ice cream selection.

~*~*~ Dude, the sun is like that gravitational center of our solar system, man. I haven't respected the sun as a large, hot, spherical mess of gas until i really tried to envision it floating and burning in blackness or what ever the fuck space is. My concerns with the sun lay primarily on how it effects my outfit or if its too cold to eat icecream or too hot to take your icecream outside. I got kinda uncomfortable with that realization - that i really only think of the sun in terms of its instrumental value to me. The sun ain't just about whether it melts your icecream, g. It's about being fuckin huge and burning its helium core and continuing to burn even when there ain't no people to care iffn it melts my icecream or not.

09 May 2009

what dreams MAY come

my fingers are too tired from pressing buttons to press any more buttons. by the latter i mean keys. pushing keys. opening doors. making sleep. wake up beeps. my bedroom did a vanishing act. i left for 18 hours and it morphised from a dance party full of breakdancing teenagers getting fucked up to gallery of sculptures and a toddler watching a scrawled vhs of a bong. kinky black pikachu. we have some chickens now. ones called lunchbox. tuesday birdnames is playing a getdown, it kicks off their us tour. the last chicago band that played here on their tour was caw caw, with the smith westerns and marbin on walpurisnacht. not cacaw, theyre playing here in june.
until then ill be sliding around, creeping up on crumbums, freestyling on the pirate radio about bootie bread. free pizza. for sure for maybe for nope. sams broken lcd is plugged into a glitchy desktop monitor and it keeps changing from rgb to r-b and its hurting my eye now so i have to go to the horrors show now and drop off the kills' buttons. magic wands.
it looks like theres a pixel kitty cat crawling on the screen like digital roadkill.

29 April 2009

Marijuana: A Potential Treatment for “Swine Flu”?

So as the world slowly but surely begins to freak out about the new swine flu going around, I came across an interesting article about Cannabis Science Inc. reporting on a “prospective life saving treatment for H1N1 Swine Flu and H5N1 Bird Flu”.

For those of you not aware, swine flu is highly virulent (meaning there is a reason behind the global interest in finding a way to stop it from spreading).

In walks Cannabis Science Inc. with their “whole-cannabis lozenge”. From the article:

Dr. Robert J. Melamede, Director and Chief Science Officer, stated, “The influenza virus has a unique genetic make up that, in combination with its replicative machinery, has an extraordinary capacity to mutate. As a result, the high lethality of some strains can be attributed to the resulting adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). ARDS is caused by an excessive immune inflammatory response driven by Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) that leads to the death of respiratory epithelial cells and resulting organ failure. Endocannabinoids are nature’s way of controlling TNF activity. Existing peer reviewed publications have shown that phytocannabinoids can prevent this cell death by mimicking the endocannabinoids that nature has selected to prevent excessive inflammatory immune responses.”

In other words, the reason swine flu is so dangerous is because it causes your immune system to go into overdrive. Marijuana, however, is a proven immune system suppressant which, in this case, may aid in survival.

So we have a non-toxic, safe, cheap, potential-treatment for a disease that has some people using the word “pandemic”. On top of that, Cannabis Science Inc. has “offered to produce up to 1 million doses” of its lozenge and “provide them to HSA (Homeland Security Administration) for distribution at cost.”

What is there to lose?

23 April 2009

Buddhist Prayer of Universal Loving-Kindness

May all beings be free from enmity;
May all beings be free from injury;
May all beings be free from suffering;
May all beings be happy.

who's gonna tell me this brah ain't high as a kite?

He kno were the party at tho.
it's totally chill to meditate at the end of a golden cave, enshrined in your own aura of wisdom and compassion.
you go, gotama!

20 April 2009


i somehow lost over $50 of weed in the past week by misplacing 2 baggies and an easter egg that was recovered in the mud. its karma because i was filling bags with stevia and i thinking it was funny to the person who finds it. i know sam found my weed and smoked it. so lifted. its raining bbq meatballs. stoney baloney. ever wonder how many streetwise magazines it takes to by some crack cocaine? some junkies just carry around a bucket of scrap. im addicted to junk food. i woke up kinda drunk and rode my bike into a brick wall because it was sticking out on the sidewalk. the left hand path was blocked. what you dont want to get caught on fire? satrdy we drove with paul and crew to mchenry and dropped into lake defiance. puffed that purple and rowed into the clouds on our rented boats. and found an isle of beavrs were you could see the fish spawning. drove back grilled out roof top. nice views. no bud on the holy eve...
'TIL 420

lenticular clouds

mammatus clouds

Kelvin-Helmholtz waves

05 April 2009

cute overdose

30 March 2009

above the ignorance

one time my friend tim tsurutani put eyedrops in just one of his eyes then we noticed about 10 minutes later in the jewel that it made a huge difference. i got conjunctivitis this morning. isnt smoking pot supposed to be good for your eyes. im going to do it anyway, so that i dont look so asymmetrical and half stoned. its not even pink eye, its more like demon eye, big bad red veins cracking up whiteness. i'm seeing crazy shit out of this right one. its already going away though. the little mucus crystals are forming as we speak to trap and remove whatever virus landed in there last night. i can see them.
Odin has only one eye, which blazes like the sun. His other eye he traded for a drink from the Well of Wisdom, and gained immense knowledge. -Crystalinks

meanwhile, i need one of these....

29 March 2009

word intercepts by judah

when the nation was created turkeys ran amok along the mississippi statue of liberty but she looked like a man. And the turkey decided to create a farm that allowed pigs to live on the lily pads midriff headquarters. then the river became overpopulated with cable cars, allowing the pigs to polio to work everyday. Smiling softly car alarms yelled much like banshees do on every other full moon sofa fetish. The cure for their 'sofa fetish' was marmalade in the evening before the second full moon, but if this was missed the hand model would create portraits of her worst.


So, Judah and I were talking about how a lot of kids like to throw rocks at like little animals and shit.

I decided that that makes soo much sense cuz it's like a video game except your probability of hitting the ducks is so much less because ducks are faster in real life - making it more of a challenge and you'll probably try harder at it and build coordination and shit. And you also have to worry about running out of ammo. And you'd also have to keep track of your points in your head. Yr not gonna have a fucking scoreboard to keep track of shit for you, brah.

Like you hit an animal with a rock and it probably won't die (but if it does, Nice 1 hit KO, brah).


26 March 2009

ear plugs

Wearing ear plugs whilst on reefer madness produces thoughts on how something so squishy is in your ear canal.
I just think of the expansion that is limited by my narrow ear canal, pushing against the walls.
After about 20 minutes I can't take it anymore and I take another hit,
"Pass that shit motherfucker, you've been staring off into space for like 20 minutes.
What can possibly be that entertaining in your brain?"


There is a will for potheads to make their own crazy pipes. My roommate Cameron hollows out cool looking tree branches, sticks a metal bowl in there, and adds a carburetor stopped up with a crystal. That shit is mystical as hell and hits really hard. My mom always told me if you don't have a pipe, you can use a toilet paper roll with some aluminum foil as a steamroller. The first steam roller I made was, like, two feet long called Excalibur. Then I pushed it too far and made one a yard long, that thing would make you cough and melt, we called it the Peacekeeper. They were weed weapons. Honestly though, the most enjoyable smoking device we ever made was a watermelon bong, complete with a sugar cane neck. It yielded the tastiest, most breathable smoke.

Chicken and Pink Shit

Meat is so gross. I was like, dissecting this fried chicken thigh with my bare hands and I found all these cartilage pieces attached to the bone and veins that bled through to the meat. On the chicken leg that I was later to consume, the skin was peeled down like a banana, unleashing the obscene fury of more veins and cartilage.

The trippiest part though was that I was wearing all pink - like this baby fucking pink. My nails, my hoodie. My arms were pink and ripping up this fried chicken with blood and veins and cartilage. So, I wiped off my hands and went in my room and took off my prescription glasses and put on my non-prescription pink sunglasses and go right back to the chicken carcass, which, in addition to being greasy and foul, was now also pink and blurry.

I should do stand-up.

I took this picture when I was getting these tangerines out of a mesh bag - one at a time. I unintentionally placed them in this formation. And it's real cool cuz it's on a red chair.

I also took this picture of pink divaness.

ya that's me.
Chris has some good shit.

p.s. who wants to contribute to STONR DIARIES?

Listening to: Loveless/ My Bloody Valentine/ Loomer

25 March 2009

drip, overflow, upset

Spills happen all over the place:
my shirt
my pants
the floor
the couch
on francis

Things get spilled all the time:
chairs with too much stuff on the back
people on the couch, then off the couch
office supplies
& your brain all over your face when you are watching Batman Returns (BLASTED AS FUCK)


24 March 2009

it burns, brah

23 March 2009


I'm still pretty infantile in the sense that I very much like exploring textures with my mouth - especially while blasted. Apples are great. They are like 30 calories and have righteous texture. They are sweet and cold and crunchy, which are all very good things to contemplate while blown. Stoned, I can pack away an entire $2 bag of those hot cheetos.

It's a talent to boast of. Crunchy stuff is good - it makes you super concentrate on what is happening in your mouth. I discovered that my tounge habitually splits the food I'm eating into exactly 1/2, so that each side of my mouth is chewing an equal amount of pretzels. I also compulsively alternate the sides of my mouth that I take initial bites with. The first bite is the most work, so I unconciously rotate the workload.

Before smoking, I find cigarettes fascinating. After smoking, I can't stop eating pretzels.

I bet pretzel is a German word - maybe Dutch.